Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October Challenge

I should admit, my August challenge did not materialize even by end September. No, this is not a post to blame it on anything or anyone else. It was just my undisciplined self that needs to be blamed. And the outcome was a pretty bad feeling of FAILURE!

But still I am setting myself another challenge for myself. But this time I am going to go a bit more lean! I will target a more achievable goal. A goal that I am more likely to achieve without requiring a drastic change to my routine and something I am more likely to achieve with my lazy self!
I will lose 2 kilos by the end of this month. I will achieve this my
committing just 5 minutes of exercise on most days.

Trying to give up my food indulgence was a total flop. It brought me to the point where I started to question that I am a plain sucker for good food! So I will not fight my indulgences hard, but I will try to control my portions.

But the end result I expect, no matter how I achieve it is to be 88 kilos by the end of this month!

I would appreciate if you guys can make me accountable for this goal!

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